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Reduce the Appearance of Lines with BOTOX Injections

Written by | Apr 15, 2019 9:00:43 AM

Nothing makes you more self-conscious than the appearance of fine wrinkles on the face. These signs of aging can really affect your confidence and self-esteem. There's a very simple way to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, however. BOTOX® injections are the most popular skin-smoothing treatment in the world, and the procedure doesn't even involve a complex skin treatment.

You don't have to undergo harsh skin repositioning in order to smooth away those annoying dynamic wrinkles. You can still smile, frown, or make whatever type of facial expression you want. Once you've had a BOTOX® treatment, those dynamic wrinkles will no longer dominate your appearance when you pout, widen your eyes, or purse your lips.

How is BOTOX® Different?

BOTOX® injections are performed in a matter of minutes, and there's no real downtime for you after the treatment. All you have to do is come in and let us see what type of wrinkles form on your face and forehead when you make a series of facial expressions. This observation will allow us to determine the location of the injections.

After the treatment, you just go about your regular activities. You'll do so without being self-conscious, and your confidence gets a tremendous boost in the days following the treatment as you start to see the wrinkles fade.

BOTOX® is a muscle-relaxing treatment that blocks nerve signals from the brain. The muscles that lie just beneath the facial skin don't contract fully after the treatment is complete. This prevents crow's feet and other lines from forming when the skin gets pulled or pinched. It's the perfect treatment for those who feel they aren't ready for a more aggressive skin treatment.

A Simple Injection Procedure

BOTOX® injections are performed in the comfort of our office. During the treatment, the solution is skillfully injected into the preselected area(s). The fluid settles into the muscle tissue, and it begins to block the nerve signals. Once the muscles in the treatment area are relaxed, the skin on top of them is able to relax and smooth out.

Look Younger and Feel Better

BOTOX® injections are like magic, but it's really just science. Thanks to this treatment, you don’t have to look old and tired. Instead, you can look and feel younger without the need for surgery by taking advantage of BOTOX® injections at Novo Sano! Contact us today to book an appointment at our office in Woburn or Rowley.